Le Congrès National des Arméniens Occidentaux (CNAO) est une organisation non gouvernementale régie par la loi de 1901 sur les Associations. Son siège est à Paris.
Le CNAO a pour objectif de promouvoir toute activité en vue de défendre les intérêts et les droits des Arméniens Occidentaux , héritiers des ex citoyens de l’Empire ottoman.
The General Assembly is the supreme Organ and consists of all members and meets once a year
The National Council consists of 15 to 28 members elected by the Assembly. It holds a meeting or a video conference every three month
The Executive Committee consisting of a Chairperson, three deputies,a secretary general and a treasurer. It is assisted by two lawyers.
A number of working groups dealing with policy, historical and legal issues.
What we want to achieve:
Represent the Western Armenians, descendants of Armenians citizens of the Ottoman Empire, in national and international organizations.
Initiate and support activities to safeguard the Armenian culture and heritage.
Define or assist in defining the individual and collective losses and damages suffered by Western Armenians in the Territory of the Republic of Turkey since 1915.
Establish contacts and working relationships with civil society organizations dealing with issues related to human rights, minority rights, genocide and crimes against humanity.
Establish a forum of lawyers in order to initiate legal cases in front of national. Regional and international courts.
Support the activities of research centers and universities dealing with the aftermath of genocide.