

Statement of the National Congress of Western Armenians on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Sèvres Treaty

The provisions of the SèvresTreaty reflect the will of all parties, including Armenia and Turkey. That this expression of will only confirms the existing conviction about the events that occurred during the First World War and the reorganization of the International Community in the Middle East and the Caucasus. The Paris Peace Conference of 1919-1920 is proof of this. The Treaty of Sèvres reflects the aspirations of Armenians and is a faithful testimony of the rights of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire  and a beginning of just reparation for the loss of life and the damages suffered during the Genocide of 1915 and subsequent years. The arbitration award of the President of the United States of America, Woodrow Wilson, which established the international borders of the Republic of Armenia, is a legal instrument and is binding on the International Community and Turkey and must be complied with.

Meeting Held In Yerevan June 4-9th

Meeting Held In Yerevan June 4-9th

June 2018

  • A delegation of NCWA consisting of Luciana Minassian and Souren Seraydarian met the newly appointed deputy minister of the Diaspora Mr. Babken Der Grigorian. The discussion focused on the present activities of the organisation and particularly the work of the joint legal working group and the 19 January initiative of the peoples of Asia Minor.

Council Members as of June 2017

The General Assembly, held on 17 June 2017, in Beirut, Lebanon has elected or re-elected the following members of the Council;

Mr. Souren Seraydarian  (France) chair
Mrs. Sona Yacoubian (USA) vice chair
Mrs. Karine Gevorgyan (Russian Federation (vice chair)
Mr. Arakaz Akhoyan (Armenia) vice chair,
Mr. Sevak Artsruni (France) secretary General in charge of    the  Asia Minor Conference program
Mr. Hrair Garabedian (Austria) vice secretary general in  charge of the internal administration and the archives of the organization 

Unprecedented Conference

Unprecedented Conference to Harmonize Efforts to Achieve Peace and Justice  for the Peoples of Asia Minor

An estimated 170 speakers, delegates and guests, including nine Members of Parliament from four countries, an advisor to the President of Lebanon, representatives of Aramaic, Armenian, Assyrian, Hamshin, Kurd, Pontic Greek, Syriac, Yezidi, and Zaza parties, associations and NGOs gathered for a three-day (June 17-19) forum to form an organization which will push for democracy, justice, the rule of law, respect for human rights and cultural heritage in Turkey—the homeland of the above groups.
The unprecedented event, which was sponsored by the Paris-based National Congress of Western Armenians (NCWA) and took place at the Tekeyan Cultural Centre in downtown Beirut, was the brainchild of two conferences (in Berlin and Paris) earlier this year and known as the 19 January Initiative Coordination Commission.
In his opening statement, Souren G. Seraydarian, chairman of the NCWA, said: “Turkish nationalist, Kemalist or Islamist—have continued to pursue a plan of completing a demographic operation of transforming Asia Minor to the heartland of the Turkish nation without any consideration for the multi-ethnic, multicultural roots and faith of the rest of the population.

Մամլոյ հաղորդագրութիւն

NCWA. / ԱԱՀ. +37443605030 

Արեւմտահայոց Ազգային Համագումարի ներկայացուցիչները Բրյուսելի մէջ հանդիպեր են Ժողովուրդներու Դեմոկրատական Կուսակցութեան HDP ղեկավարներու հետ HDP Եւրոպայի ներկայացուցչութեան կենտրոնին մէջ Նոյեմբերի 17-ին հանդիպում է տեղի ունեցեր Արեւմտահայոց Ազգային Համագումարի (ԱԱՀ) պատուիրակութեան եւ Ժողովուրդներու Դեմոկրատական Կուսակցութեան (HDP-ի) ղեկավարութեան եւ Եւրոպայի կառոյցի ներկայացուցիչներու միջև: 

Հանդիպման ընթացքի քննարկվեր են երկու կողմերուն յուզող խնդիրներ, անդրադարձ է կատարվեր Թուրքիոյ մէջ վերջին շրջանին տեղի ունեցող բաւական մտահոգիչ զարգացումներուն: Այս առումով Արեւմտահայոց Ազգային Համագումարը խստորէն դատապարտեր է Թուրքիոյ իշխանություններուն HDP կուսակցութեան ղեկավարներուն եւ Թուրքիոյ քիւրտ բնակչութեան դէմ կատարած անընդունելի արարքները: 

New Book About the Assyrian Genocide Published

By Bar Daisan

Bulletin Avril 2017 - Newsletter, April 2017

  1. Conclusions of the Berlin and Paris Conferences (attached)
  2. The Council of the NCWA met on 8 April and decided among others to hold the General Conference and the continuation of the Asia Minor Peoples Conference in June 2017.
  3. The final draft of the legal document regarding the claims of descendants of Armenians of the Ottoman Empire has been completed and will be finalized this autumn.

Bulletin Mars 2017 - Newsletter, March 2017


National Congress of Western Armenians (NCWA)

Newsletter, March 2017

The CNAO/NCWA is a Paris based NGO subject to the French Law on Associations of 1901. It represents the interests and claims of Western Armenians, descendants of Armenians citizens of the Ottoman Empire and initiates and supports activities to safeguard the Armenian cultural heritage. Visit our above mentioned site for details.

Bulletin février 2017 - Newsletter, February 2017


National Congress of Western Armenians (NCWA)
Newsletter, February 2017

The CNAO/NCWA is a Paris based NGO subject to the French Law on Associations of 1901. It represents the interests and claims of Western Armenians, descendants of Armenians citizens of the Ottoman Empire and initiates and supports activities to safeguard the Armenian cultural heritage. Visit our above mentioned site for details.
On 28 and 29 January 2017 the CNAO/NCWA organized in Berlin a Conference of the peoples of Asia Minor under the motto “United in Rights.

Küçük Asya halkları, birbirlerini yokladı


28 -29 Ocak 2017 tarihleri arasında, Berlin’in Kurfürstendamm semtinde. Sofitel Oteli’nde, Batı Ermenileri Ulusal Kongresi’nin www.cnarmeniens.org düzenlediği United in Rights (Hakların Birliği) sloganıyla, iki günlük Küçük Asya halkları diyalog toplantı sona erdi.  

Küçük Asya halkları (Türk, Ermeni, Rum, Kürt, Gürcü, Arap, Nasturi, Yahudi, Nusayri, Zaza, Kızılbaş, Pontus, Asuri, Süryani, Keldani, Caferi,Laz) arasında diyalog toplantısı, aynı zamanda Hrant Dink’in katledilişnin 10. Yıldönümüne atfedilmişti.                      

Batı Ermenileri Ulusal Kongresi Başkanı, siyaset bilimci Suren Seraydaryan, toplantıyı açarken, Sayın Tessa Hofmann (bilim kadını), Sayın Sait Çetinoğlu (araştırmacı-yazar), Sayın Recep Maraşlı (Yayın Yönetmeni-araştırmacı), Sn Hamo Moskofyan (halk diplomatı - diplomatik muhabir) Ankara Düşünceye Özgürlük PlatformuGelawej kurumlarına teşekkür etti ve onların yardımları olmadan toplantının gerçekleşemeyeceğini söyledi.    


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